Increase My Self Confidence: All Or None
As I mentioned in my previous blog post, all or none kills success before it can begin. Now, ask yourself "how do I increase
The 1st of 3 levels of confidence is: “Physical Confidence.” This is the physical part of the confidence formula and represents your raw physical power, attractiveness and body language.
Your physical confidence
If we look at the most obvious examples of people with loads of confidence we may think of world leaders like Barack Obama, athletes like Michael Jordan or TV personalities
After teaching over 2,000 yoga classes I’ve come to an undeniable conclusion that the people who struggle the most are the people who breathe through their mouths. Unsurprisingly, this conclusion
Question: What was your last big failure or set back? Did you get right back up or was it a struggle?
Similar to problems and challenges, your beliefs about failure and
The Roots & The Fruits of Confidence
Why do so many people fall apart when once we move past the physical realm of confidence where big biceps and beer goggles just
When was the last time you spoke up against something you knew was wrong? Can you remember?
I recently watched a video on the most massive cover-up by the military industrial
Looking for inner power? Try Om Mani Padme Hum
Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum
Translation: “Jewel in the lotus.” This comes from an ancient Buddhist parable “Gem in the Robe,” where a man
Looking for calm, peace, concentration and focus? Try Om Namah Shivaya
Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya
Translation: “I bow to Shiva, the supreme deity of transformation who represents the truest, highest self,” or “I honor the
In my own practice, I have benefited from the power of chanting a mantra, because it keeps me focused and prevents me from losing concentration. By far, my favorite mantra