Most kids look forward to birthdays, oftentimes announcing them to the world so they can celebrate themselves and hopefully in the process get more presents and birthday wishes. But right around the age of 30 to 40 something happens which causes most people to stop looking forward to birthdays and instead, dread the thought of them.

Why Do We Lose Our Birthday Mojo?

According to statistics, in the year 2016, the average American watched 270 minutes of TV per day. Of this, we can estimate roughly 20% to be advertisements, which doesn’t even account for social media or other publications.[i]

As you can imagine, a large part of our lives is spent being pounded by commercials and advertising, a lot of which conditions us to believe that older is less desirable, less joyful, and can lead to rejection from society.

But the problem is not necessarily the media itself, as media can also function to empower and enlighten. The real problem is the fact that we believe what the media tells us.

And whether you believe the media or not, it’s important to understand that cultural conditioning can play a huge role in your beliefs and create horrible results in your sex life. For example, Psychologist Erik Erickson argued that the Western fear of aging keeps us from living full lives and declared:

“Lacking a culturally viable ideal of old age, our civilization does not really harbor a concept of the whole of life.”

Now can you guess what plagues men as one of the greatest contributors to ED?

Fear Is The Mortal Enemy Of Soldier Strength!

Fear, which manifests as stress, creates man down! And while we may have lost any viable ideal of the value of aging and may be missing out on the whole of life, if we simply open our eyes beyond Western Society there is inspiration to be found in many cultures that not only embrace wisdom, knowledge and aging but admire it!

For example, according to the University of Missouri, Kansas City, in Native American families, it’s common for younger members to rely upon the elders to pass down their learnings.

Similarly, in Korean society, there is great respect and reverence for those with more age and wisdom.

What’s even more interesting is the fact that this understanding comes from a belief rooted in the Confucian principle of filial piety. Essentially, filial piety is a fundamental value, which suggests respect for elders and more often than not extends beyond the family and into greater society.

In returning to the importance of cultural conditioning and our beliefs about aging, the great sage and philosopher Confucius himself once declared:

“Few of those who are filial sons and respectful brothers will show disrespect to superiors, and there has never been a man who is respectful to superiors and yet creates disorder.” 

In other words, order or disorder can in large part be attributed to the respect or disrespect of elders.

While profound and perhaps a subject for an entire book, right now it’s important you understand that your age and accompanying wisdom could be the most valuable of all treasures you’ll ever acquire in this lifetime.

As far as dreading those birthdays and getting another year older, again, this is just a belief. It’s also customary in Korean society to have a big celebration to mark an individual’s 60th and 70th birthdays. Perhaps this could inspire more of us to start celebrating our advanced age birthdays? (Yes, naked girls jumping out of birthday cakes are acceptable!)

Regardless of how much you’re celebrating or not celebrating, if you choose to believe that getting older is a horrible thing, this belief will cause your soldier to wilt – man down! Fortunately, a new book called Man Up – The Ultimate Guide To Natural ED Cures reveals some simple, yet powerful techniques to change your beliefs and fire up your libido to feel youthful once again.  Read more about ED in Men Here!


[i] Statista – Average daily TV viewing time per person in selected countries worldwide in 2016 (in minutes)


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