Potent Spices From Mother Nature

While there are many foods that increase blood circulation there are two notable all-stars in the spice world which we can add to food and double down on our sexual potency. The spices that boost nitric oxide and increase blood flow, which stand out and dominate this scene are Garlic and Capsaicin (Cayenne).


We mentioned garlic in our Quercetin section, but it packs a remarkably powerful punch as an erectile dysfunction natural food treatment and can be used as a spice in your food so let’s break down this tasty staple. 

Garlic is chock full of nitrates, but also contains Quercetin, which as you know by now has also been linked to increased NO levels when consumed.

Several studies have also found that garlic is more effective at lowering blood pressure than most pharmaceutical drugs on the market.  In one study, researcher Adam Moussa, gave his human subjects 2,000 mg of vitamin C along with 4 garlic tablets (6 mg of allicin and 13.2 mg of alliin) for 10 days.

At the end of the study, endolethial nitric oxide output increased by a whopping 200%, while on average patient’s systolic blood pressure dropped from 142 mm to 115 mm.  And last but not least, Diastolic Blood pressure decreased on average from 92 mm to 77 mm.  (Note: This beats most pharmaceutical drugs hands down)

One of the most important benefits of garlic supplementation is that it has been proven to kill off candida, which can sap your energy and send your soldier into hibernation.   While it can obviously be incorporated into your meals, to really get garlic’s boner boosting power you’ll need to step up here and get a supplement like the one used in the example above.  One of the most trusted brands in the garlic supplementation business, which offers a Garlic and Vitamin C combo, is Kyolic.

Capsaicin / Cayenne

Capsaicin is the alkaloid that makes all chilies hot. It’s literally the compound that creates a zap of heat in your mouth when you eat jalapeno pepper.  But most importantly, it’s also quite effective at increasing nitric oxide levels.

While you can eat chilies and add them to your food, keep in mind, there are toxic lectins in the skins and seeds of peppers, which is why I recommend you either buy them marinated with no seeds and skins or buy some cayenne pepper and sprinkle it on your food.

But why stop there?  You can buy supplements that will magnify the power of cayenne like “Cool Cayenne” on Amazon, which adds ginger to prevent any gastric issues associated with too much of the fiery stuff.  This high potency formula is really powerful and not only boosts nitric oxide and blood flow but will clean out toxins as well.

To learn more about nutrition, exercise, and other natural ED cures check out this Free Video training for Natural Erection Treatment.

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