This groundbreaking training gives you the ability to download & embed the mindsets of over 250 Masters from Business, Arts & Entertainment, Athletics, Science, Politics, Literature, Philosophy, and Spirituality, and build endless reserves of confidence, courage, health, wealth, and loving relationships. (Note: For a full list of masters scroll to the bottom)
Our coaches are certified in life coaching and mindset coaching and will keep you motivated with a coaching style that promotes positive focus, and personalized guidance. This personalized coaching style is created based on what you respond to and don't respond to - nothing is forced - which makes you excited about taking action and achieving your goals.
Get accountability from a coach who will create a roadmap to success and keep you on task to achieve significant milestones that show you proof you're moving forward. Over time these milestones will lead to a complete transformation of your results until you reach your desired goal.
Our world-class coaches have a minimum of 5 years of experience coaching and will shed light on your biggest challenges to help guide you through the training step-by-step in any area of life including health, wealth, high performance, and loving relationships.
Our coaches know how to motivate you without having to force change or create friction. This occurs through a mental transformation from work to play, from burden to benefit, and from meaningless to meaningful. This new perspective keeps you motivated long-term and pushes you beyond traditional task-driven coaching methods.
Your personal information and privacy is important to us. As such, group coaching gives you the option to remain anonymous with no video or visible with video.
All one-on-one coaching is confidential and will not be shared unless agreed upon by both parties.
We offer group coaching twice a week as follows:
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM PST 3:00 PM EST
Thursdays at 5:00 PM PST 8:00 PM EST
If you can't make it replays are always available.
One-on-one coaching can be booked on based on your personal schedule. More questions? Reach out on our contact page.
Learn the easy way in less time. Learn how to use the 6 tools that dig out old sabotaging beliefs and download empowered beliefs of the masters into your own brain. Without this no program, coach, book or teacher will make much of a difference. These tools incorporate writing, breathwork, visualization, vocalization, and Kinetic Energy Embedding.
Learn how to change beliefs that function as the core bedrock of your belief system and determine whether or not you graduate and change other related beliefs. This includes beliefs about Action Vs. Procrastination, Self-Honesty, Your Philosophy, Work vs Play, and Confidence vs Cowardice.
Once you've completed Module 2 it's time to fortify your foundation even further and unlock true undefeatable power with beliefs like Complaining Vs. Gratitude, Problems vs Solutions, The Comfort Zone Vs. The Land of The Unknown, Hatred & Resentment Vs. Love & Compassion, and Jealousy Vs. Learning & Growing.
Once your foundation is rock solid, the Winner’s Mindset System will guide you step by step in reprogramming beliefs that rule your Professional Success And Financial Freedom. This includes beliefs like Failures & Setbacks, Giving Up Vs. Persistence, and Success and Money
Once you’ve got your professional mindset wired for success, in the 3rd Phase we’ll reprogram beliefs like Relationship Love & Rejection, Self-Love Vs. Self-Sabotage and Criticism Vs. Vulnerability where we’ll replace shame, rejection, and low self-worth files.
In the final Module we'll reverse any inverted dopamine responses or low self-worth files, which previously kept you stuck in a pattern of toxic distractions, binging, and regretting by replacing them with abundant health, independent happiness, and fulfillment files.
As you think, so shall you become
Bruce Lee
Martial Arts Master & Pop Icon
The mind is everything, what you think you become.
The Historical Buddha Shakyamuni
Spiritual Master from 1,000 BCE
Your thoughts in your mind create your moods and emotions, which in turn influence your actions and results.
Dr. Aaron T Beck
Creator of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs.
Tony Robbins
Master of Personal Development
If you're convinced that you're going to fail, that will come to fruition
Tony Hawk
Worlds Greatest Skateboarder
There's more to baseball than hitting the ball over the wall. I'll take a walk and beat you with my mind.
Derek Jeter
Major League Baseball Hall of Fame Member
Winning big isn't just about luck; it's about harnessing your beliefs and talents to reach your fullest potential."
17 Time Grammy Award Winner
The Winner's Mindset uses a combination of tools including a specially designed audio program where all you have to do is press play on your smart device and take some simple actions.
This specially designed audio program allows you to download and embed into your own mind, the 21 primary beliefs that improve and strengthen your results from over 250 masters of time.
The Winner's Mindset also comes with 21 electronic Downloadable Playbooks for each belief change. These facilitate interactive "Change Work" using NLP, Breathwork, Visualization, Vocalization, and Kinetic Energy Embedding Techniques which function to reprogram your mind and create new plays for your life.
In addition to the audio program The Winner's Mindset comes with an online feedback course designed to help embed new beliefs deeper into your subconscious mind.
Depending on which program you choose live coaching is available to guide you through the whole process and keep you on track until you reach your desired result.
The Winner's Mindset training is designed with tools that create changes you'll feel instantaneously but for severe traumas and deeply held beliefs, it could take 6 months to a year or more of consistent practice to see full transformation. Regardless of your current circumstances, if you simply take action when the program requests, you will overcome your greatest challenges, it's simply a matter of time.
Rewire your brain to think, speak and act like some of the most confident and successful athletes and entertainers in the world like, Michael Jordan, Kelly Slater, Roger Federer, LeBron James, Derek Jeter, Serena Williams, The Rock, Mathew McConaughey, Sting, Eddy Vedder and many others.
Break the ceiling on your income with wealth beliefs that not only help you multiply your income but make a bigger contribution to the world from masters like Richard Branson, Sam Walton, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, Sara Blakely, Ray Dalio, Marc Benioff, Russel Wiener, Gary Keller, and many others.
Attract unconditional love, experience deep intimacy, and build authentic relationships with friends and family by learning from masters like Barbara DeAngelis, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. John Gottman, Brené Brown, and many others.
Transform your mind & body into a powerful healing machine impervious to negative influences from masters like Louise Hay, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr Mark Hyman, Donna Eden, Dave Asprey, and many others
Develop independent confidence, self-love, fulfillment, and happiness no one can take away and eliminate fears that have held you back your whole life. Cultivate the persistence and determination needed to achieve your greatest dreams and live the life you deserve from masters like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, and timeless masters like Buddha, Jesus, Rumi, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Socrates, and many others.
Ask any psychologist why it's so difficult to change beliefs and they'll most likely tell you that accessing your subconscious mind (where your beliefs are stored) and changing longstanding negative patterns is not so easy. Even advanced hypnotherapy techniques require multiple sessions to change beliefs, which does not guarantee long-term transformation. Here are a few of the other common challenges with other solutions:
Unlike other methods for changing beliefs, The Winner's Mindset combines unique tools to help you bypass the critical filter of your conscious mind and embed powerful beliefs deep into your subconscious mind. This is facilitated through a verbal recording which uses Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) combined with Breathwork, Visualization, Vocalization, and Kinetic Energy Embedding Techniques (KEET).
NOTE: We want to make sure you are Not Overwhelmed. So, with the exception of "How To Make Learning Simple," all bonuses will be available in the second month.
if you’re overwhelmed, or have a lot on your plate, don’t worry, this will free up more time for you to work on your passions, play, and have more fun. This sells for $200
WLPM is a passive income stream building video course, which will show you step-by-step how to build passive income streams and market them so you can do whatever you want with your time. This also includes Smart Investment Allocation, where you’ll learn what to do with your money once you make it so you eventually reach financial freedom. I sell this to private clients for $3,000
Fired Up is a fun online fitness course for all levels that combines Yoga, HIT, and Strength Training to help you feel young, boost energy, and shed weight naturally with only 60 minutes a week. Price: $300
The Power Diet is an online video course on power foods, that taste amazing, boost energy, shed weight, and get rid of gut issues. I also sell this one as part of my private coaching for $1,500
Regular Price $297 per mo. + $700 ( Now just $497
Regular Price $997 per mo. (Save 30%)
Regular Price $297 per mo. (Save 30%)
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Most questions can be answered by simply looking at the FAQ below. If this doesn't answer your questions either email us or set up a consultation at the link below this page.
What if I can't make the coaching calls?
If you can't make the coaching calls don't worry! After each coaching call, you'll have access to the replay during enrollment. You can also send us an email with your questions 24 hours prior to each coaching call and we'll answer them on the coaching calls or privately through email.
What if I have questions about purchasing this program?
Either send us an email or schedule a free coaching consultation HERE.
Do you offer one on one coaching?
Yes, if you're interested in one on one coaching simply schedule a free coaching consultation HERE
Is there a refund policy?
This is a coaching program which includes live coaching. Similar to a doctor or lawyer there are no refunds for services that are rendered live. But don't worry, If for any reason you don't get what was promised your purchase is guaranteed by PayPal's buyer protection program. To learn more click HERE
Can I cancel my live coaching subscription anytime?
Yes, you'll have access as long as your subscription is active and you can cancel it any time by reaching out to us here
Please Note: Results may vary and we make no income claims.
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