As mentioned in my last blog post, yoga has done wonders for people with ED. We’ve addressed possible causes and I’ve provided home ED cures. Now, let’s continue deep diving into these cures.
Rest, Repair & The Big T Boost
Hopefully, at this point, if you’ve weeded out the root causes of dysfunction, addressed stress, overeating and instituted a program like my Fired Up course, you’ll be feeling pretty amazing, but being good to your body doesn’t just stop at exercise and nutrition. This is where the rest and repair functions of your body come in big.
It may be hard to believe but sleep is not just something your body does to rest; it’s actually an essential time when your body can heal and repair itself. And in our case, Secret Agent #1 Testosterone is manufactured in its greatest quantities while you’re dreaming about that harem of 10 luscious babes in the Sahara Desert. So remember this one:
Testosterone Is Produced Mostly When You Sleep!
It’s no wonder why 36% of guys from the UK poll mentioned earlier blamed their erection challenges on lack of sleep. Studies have shown that the highest levels of testosterone production happen during REM sleep, which is the deep, restorative sleep that occurs mostly late in the nightly sleep cycle.
Unfortunately, sleep disorders, including interrupted sleep and lack of sleep, reduce your amount of REM sleep and frequently lead to low testosterone levels.
Researchers from Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York have found that men with erectile dysfunction were more than twice as likely to have obstructive sleep apnea as those without erectile dysfunction. This study also showed that the more serious a man’s erectile dysfunction, the more likely he was to also have obstructive sleep apnea.
And according to another study published by the Journal of American Medical Association in 2015:
“Daytime testosterone levels were decreased by 10% to 15% in a sample of young healthy men who underwent one week of sleep restriction at 5 hours per night, which also happens to be a condition experienced by at least 15% of the US working population.”
If you’re getting less than 7 hours of sleep per day, there’s a really good chance you’re low on the Big T.
Unfortunately, low T isn’t the only downside for modeling the vampire lifestyle. In fact, those who are sleep deprived have an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and even stroke. And as you learned earlier, the presence of these diseases can lead to symptoms of ED and DD while creating a vicious cycle – man down.
Sadly, the Western World rarely makes sleep a priority but instead favors overindulgence in work, play, vices, and other unhealthy choices. Essentially, if you’re neglecting sleep, every part of your life will begin to fall apart including your most trusted soldier.
In validating this claim we find a well-known experiment called the “Russian Sleep Experiment,” which showed just how fast your mind and body can begin to deteriorate without the presence of sleep. After two weeks, the sleep deprived subjects of the experiment started experiencing hallucinations and reverted to a more primitive mental state where some even began to consume their own flesh. (Yikes!)
As if eating your own flesh wasn’t enough of a shocker to get you to sleep more, maybe this next study will spur you into action or in our case less action and more sleep.
According to research, lack of sleep has been linked to changes in two important appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. Shahrad Taheri and colleagues from the University of Bristol analyzed data collected on 1,024 volunteers as part of the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study.
The researchers reported in the journal Public Library of Science Medicine that people who consistently slept less than five hours a night had 16% less leptin and nearly 15% more ghrelin than those who were well within the average sleeping time of eight hours a night.
We talked briefly about leptin earlier as in food and increased levels of it, which signal starvation and a need for a bigger appetite, while ghrelin is an appetite stimulant.
In regards to the study just mentioned, the less these subjects slept the more hungry they were, the more food they ate and the fatter they became.
Lack of Sleep Leads To Weight Gain
And as you know by now, the fatter you are, the lower the testosterone you will have, which is directly linked to soldier strength.
The takeaway? Since stress has been scientifically proven to reduce sleep and testosterone to unhealthy levels make sure you invest in a workout program like Fired Up as HIIT, YOGA and Strength training have all been proven to reduce the negative effects of stress.
Additionally, consider some sleeping tools like blackout shades, a white noise machine, and breathwork before bedtime.
Speaking of sleep, there is one amazing chemical that knocks us men out by allowing us to release stress in a massive burst of ecstasy. Can you guess what I’m talking about? That’s right – Orgasm, which brings us to our next topic, team sex!
If you want to get ahead into this, you can definitely check out Man Up– The Ultimate Guide To Natural ED Cures here.