Immune-boosting Foods – A Power Diet to Help You In The Fight Against COVID

Were just cursed with low immunity and a digestive system that didn’t work so well?  Did you have too much stress in my life, were you overworking yourself or was there something else you were missing?

Fast-forward about 20 years and another strange illness arose.  But this time it wasn’t just me who experienced it.  In fact, the entire world, in one way or another, experienced it as well.  And yes, I’m talking about the worldwide pandemic COVID-19 (AKA Coronavirus). 

Fortunately, after 20 years of education and fine-tuning of my diet on Immune-boosting Foods, and adjusting lifestyle with some superhuman strategies you’ll soon learn I was ready when the virus hit the airwaves infecting everyone in its path. 

Instead of panicking and lowering my immunity, which is what happens when you panic, I remained calm because I knew that my mind and body were fully prepared to handle a superbug like COVID-19 and there was no way this virus could live inside my body.

Unfortunately, or perhaps, fortunately (depending on your belief system), although I wore my mask and washed my hands somehow I still managed to contract the virus. 

My first thought was, “hey this isn’t so bad, I’ve been way more sick than this in the past.”  And while I rerouted resources and instigated a full force counter attack to stop it dead in its tracks, I went about my life as usual. 

Don’t get me wrong, I did suffer but I never got the hacking cough or the life threatening fever that most get.  Instead, I felt fatigued and couldn’t workout much; similar to what happens when you get the flu.  I also felt intermittent sore throat pain, nausea, stomach cramps (similar to altitude sickness), night sweats and red eyes.

For me, the most tell tale symptom of COVID-19 was the fact that it would go away for a day or two then come right back full force as if it was some kind of super bug like the plague.  I’d never experienced this before in my life with any other cold, flu or virus. 

In all honestly, this was a little scary at times as I kept thinking “when the hell is this thing gonna leave?”  But in the back of my mind I knew that if I continued to build an inhospitable environment there would be no way on earth for this virus to survive in my body.

While I plan on one day writing a book on the full experience, long story short, this appearing and disappearing of symptoms went on for about 2-3 months at which point I was finally approved to get both a swab test from the hospital and an antibody test from the local Blood Bank and here’s the most interesting part of this whole story:

“Both of my tests came back negative.”

That’s right, there was no sign of COVID-19 in my body whatsoever.  I had completely crushed and eliminated the virus! 

And here’s the good news: if you implement the strategies in this book you too can bulletproof your immune system and not only build an inhospitable environment for viral invaders but enjoy some of the most scrumptious, nutritious, sweet and savory meals every day for the rest of your life.

What’s Your Story?

Whether you relate to my particular circumstance or not I’d wager you’re here right now because you have your own personal challenges and/or would like to improve your life. 

You may be overweight, underweight, battling an illness, or just desire to live life at a higher level with more power, which then translates into more immunity, less sick days and feeling really good. 

Interestingly, during the time of this writing in August of 2020 the worldwide death toll from COVID-19 was 741,000, 23% percent of which came from the United States (167,000 deaths). 

To put this into perspective, India, which has three times more people than the US had three times less deaths than the US.  Did you catch that?  This is so important I’m going to repeat it:

India, which has three times more people than the US had three times less deaths than the US.

Indeed, the United States of America has the highest death rate from COVID-19 but more importantly, can you guess why?

If you guessed poor diet and lifestyle you’re absolutely correct.  In fact, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) 70% of Americans are overweight and 40% are obese.[i]

And while fewer than 1 million people have died from the coronavirus more than 17 million people worldwide die every year from heart disease, 600,000 in the US alone.[ii] [iii] 

Whether you live in the US or not these statistics are incredibly significant as they point us to the critical nature of diet and lifestyle.   If you’re at all unsure about this statement consider the following statistic.

Again, according to the CDC, over 90% of all hospitalizations from COVID-19 are attributed to underlying conditions, the majority of which are related to heart disease followed by obesity, lung disease and diabetes.[iv] 

The good news, as you’ll soon learn, is that most of these ailments can be reversed with proper diet and lifestyle through The Power Diet.

Unfortunately, while we may talk about solutions and cite studies until the day is dark, without a commitment to action your newly desired results will remain but an illusion. 

Personally, I’ve experimented with diets and solutions for over 20 years but it wasn’t until I reached my mid 30’s that I really put my foot down and made a non-negotiable agreement with myself to take action and find out what was draining my power.   

This is really important, perhaps even more important than The Power Diet itself because, without an ironclad agreement to stay committed to forward progress, you’ll more likely melt into a couch with a clicker than fly away to fun adventures or make your dreams a reality.  Accordingly, we’ll be revisiting this non-negotiable agreement later on once you’ve learned all about the amazing life lifting foods that will play a big role in boosting your overall power

For more info on how to triple your power & crush COVID 19, check out the most comprehensive and easy to use guide: “The Power Diet”  by Chad Scott.





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