Natural ED Treatments That Work And The Magic of Team Sex

We’ve identified in my previous blog that stress and lack of sleep mess with the production of testosterone. Again, investing in a workout program with HIIT, YOGA and Strength training have all been proven to reduce the negative effects of stress. Did you know an Orgasm is one of the natural ED treatments that work.

Hopefully, at this point, you’ve dug out any toxic roots that may be lowering your libido and your secret agents are on the rise. Once you get to this point, its time to jump back in the sack and go through some real life scenarios of what happens when things go wrong so you can avoid the embarrassment and get it right.

This is the team building part of manning up and creates a great opportunity to not only expand your capacity but fortify your relationship.

How so you say?

If for instance, either you or your sex partner suffer from deep insecurities and are focused on what’s wrong or what’s missing and lack appreciation for each other, there’s a really good chance you’ll also refuse to share power and work as a team.

For instance, let’s say you jump back in the sack and you can’t get your soldier to salute. If you suffer from insecurities, you may not be able to communicate your needs to your partner, at which time you may just feel overwhelmed by embarrassment and shut down.

This is where the “shared power” of a relationship comes in big.  More often than not, men feel like they need to dominate and monopolize the power in a relationship. For example, when it comes time to spend money or chose what’s for dinner they want to have the final word.  Similarly, in sex they feel like they are responsible for all the power that builds an erection, sustains it and gives both parties an orgasm.  

Unfortunately, if you currently struggle with insecurity and its resultant tendency to dominate and control your relationship, according to Dr. John Gottman who we mentioned earlier, there is an 81% chance your relationship will self-destruct.

In contrast, if you share power with your partner and she takes some responsibility for your erections and the quality of your sex, then you’ll have a much better chance at creating a solution and having amazing sex.

And while it may be tempting to simply pop a blue pill, get an erection and get your rocks off (albeit with loads of side negative side effects) that little blue pill will do nothing to solve any potential underlying insecurity challenges in your relationship.

The good news is, whether your relationship challenges stem from lack of sexual potency or deeper underlying issues, by working to become better in the sack as a team, you’ll not only have better sex but create a more loving relationship.

This is so important it deserves your full attention. Are you listening closely?  Great, now remember this one:

Team Sex Is The Best Sex

In reality, when it comes to sex, your efforts alone will rarely, if ever, match the efforts of a united team. While there are many reasons a team trumps a solo artist, just knowing that someone’s got your back allows you to relax and when you relax you perform better. Remember, when it comes to sex, stress is the enemy and relaxation is your best friend.  

Anyone who has performed on stage can attest to this as one of the most critical elements for a good performance. If for instance, you’re on stage and stressed out or worried about what the audience thinks, your SNS will kick into high gear, you’re palms will grow sweaty and your body will stop working on digestion, and pumping blood to your big guy and instead start diverting oxygen and energy into your limbs so you can fight or run from danger.  

So unless you’d rather brawl with your babe, relaxing and sharing power is absolutely essential for great sex to occur. And since repetition is the mother of all skill, this is a good time to revisit the importance of teamwork.

While not mandatory, in order to leap over the hurdles of erection challenges much quicker, I highly recommend you and your partner read and implement the action steps of this guide together. This simple act will not only bring back the magic in your wand but the magic in your relationship, which will bond you on a much deeper level.   

Interestingly, this team bonding is also affecting chemicals running through your body and your overall emotional state. According to Larry Young, a professor of psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta who studies the role of oxytocin in social bonding:

“When you’re first becoming intimate, you’re releasing lots of dopamine and oxytocin. That’s creating that link between the neural systems that are processing your facial cues, your voice and the reward system.” 

Essentially, by successfully engaging in team sex over the long term, you’ll have a much better chance at sharing power and using teamwork to solve other challenges like finances, health and family issues, which will function to ensure the stability, longevity, and enjoyment of your overall relationship.  (Who doesn’t want more of that?)

Can’t get enough? I highly suggest checking out Man Up– The Ultimate Guide To Natural ED Cures here.

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