The Surprise Attack

While a majority of guys go through their teens, 20s, and 30s without a problem getting the big guy to stand tall, eventually something takes us by surprise and completely shakes our foundation; perhaps forcing us to question our manhood.

A client of mine Joe (name changed for anonymity) found himself no longer able to hold the full erections of his youth, which created a lot of self-doubts and made him feel like I was broken. And worst of all, he didn’t have any answers.

It happened right around the time he turned 40 years old when he was dating a 26-year-old gal with a large sexual appetite.

He had just come back from a winter surf trip to Mexico tired and drained, but she was revved up and ready to go. When she unexpectedly jumped him, he thought: “Yeah, be a man, Crush It!”

Sadly, old faithful wouldn’t rise to the occasion like he usually did and he was horribly embarrassed. This episode set off a cascade of negative effects, like more stress, depression and a wedge between him and my gal.

Regrettably, he had just come home from a winter surf trip in Mexico and even though he wore a thick wetsuit and booties, he froze his ass off, he was tired and felt like he was on the verge of getting sick.

Under normal circumstances, getting old faithful to rise wouldn’t be much of a challenge. But this time there was no life downstairs. It was as if his license to get an erection had been revoked by some cruel spirit.

No matter what he did (at that point he had no idea what he was doing) he couldn’t get an erection and she became very frustrated. Of course, this only made him more self-conscious and crushed the little confidence he had left leaving him unable to perform or communicate. He was mortified, awash with shame, broke down in tears and felt like something was truly broken.

Yeah, he’d heard of guys not being able to “get it up” before but he always thought: “I’ll never have that problem, that’s for old people or guys who don’t take care of themselves.” Yet, there he was, “Mr. Healthy,” unable to get an erection and satisfy his partner. It was his worst nightmare, like boiling quicksand that sucked him down into a pit of fire and he desperately needed it to end.

It’s Natural Don’t Sweat It

As traumatic as that episode was, once he learned that sexual slowdown is simply a natural part of the aging process he began to let go of the stress that was killing his potency.

While this might not sound like the first step in solving your erection problems, once you realize you are not alone, the emotional burden and shame that often comes with experiencing erection challenges are minimized. Suddenly, you realize that its not just you, not just your problem and if it eventually affects every man on the planet then it’s proof that you are not broken.

But here’s the kicker: the emotional consequences of gaining this newfound insight can actually lower your stress levels and help your big guy stand tall. As you just learned, this is really important since one of the biggest factors for ED is stress.

To find out how stress creates ED and learn about more natural ways to beat ed I recommend checking out the newly released “Man Up – The Ultimate Guide To Natural ED Cures.”  Learn what doctors don’t know and beat erectile dysfunction.



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