Strength Training And How To Boost T Levels

In my previous blog, we’ve identified the possibility of pattern interruption by self-sabotage. Since we’ve identified the different ways to combat this, we can now move on to the awesomeness of strength training and how to boost T levels.

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Strength is a loaded word, which holds within it the potential for increased power on many fronts. Fortunately, by building physical strength we undergo a struggle, which in turn develops our mental strength. At the most basic level, this process begins with “Strength Training,” a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction, which then breaks down muscle fibers and rebuilds them through a process known as sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.   

With rest and the assistance of protein synthesis (consuming food with protein), studies show strength training creates muscle growth in as little as 2-4 hours of completing a workout. The end result of this process is more strength, anaerobic endurance, and increased size of skeletal muscles.  

But strength training isn’t just limited to lifting weights in the gym and can be achieved through resistance bands or body weight. So if the gym isn’t your thing, don’t sweat it because I’m also going to show you how to strength train at home with little to no equipment.  

The Awesomeness

Strength training has been studied extensively and its benefits are one of the most well documented of all exercise methods.  But if you put all those benefits aside and focus on daily living, you may just find life is easier.  And… it feels really empowering when you’re stronger.  

The need for strength plays out daily in scenarios like carrying groceries, moving the furniture, carrying luggage or picking up your woman (or man) and throwing them on the bed.    

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg as strength training lifts the awesomeness factor even further with some incredible benefits. As you read the benefits below don’t just read them. Instead, imagine them as part of your life and what that would feel like. Again, how you read relates directly to the mental mastery necessary in keeping you committed for life, so don’t skip out here.

Gives You Motivation To Follow Your Passions 

By delivering a cascade of feel good chemicals like testosterone and serotonin, strength training gives you more motivation and confidence to go after your dreams. This is really significant, since pursuing your dreams could be the most important pursuit of your life.

If you’re at all doubtful of this statement, consider the study and documentation from palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware who has cared for thousands of people at the end of their lives.  In her book “The Top Regrets of the Dying” she listed the #1 regret at the end of life as doing what others expected instead of doing what you love most.

Fortunately, strength training gives you the motivation to go after your dreams so you don’t fall into the graveyard of broken dreams. 

Boosts Testosterone

When maximum muscle volume is activated, as taught in the Fired Up program, strength training builds testosterone more than any other exercise. Several studies back this up including one published in European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, which reported a 21.6% in crease in T levels from one 30-minute weightlifting session for men and 16.7% for women.

Another study found that significant increases in the Big T in both young and older men after three sets of lifting weights with slightly larger gains in human growth hormone by the younger men.

Delivering an even bigger bonus (pun intended), studies also show that more testosterone increases libido, erections, energy and cardiovascular health.

Is Testosterone Good For Women?  

Confusingly, many people consider testosterone as a hormone exclusive to males yet in reality it’s actually crucial for both men and women’s health.  

For example, studies show that low libido in both men and women is frequently linked to low testosterone. In fact, lack of Testosterone and its associated low libido in women is so prevalent (estimated up to 20 % of all women) there’s even a name for it – Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder.

Unfortunately, low libido is just one of the negative side effects of low T for women as other side effects include, infertility, high body fat, dry hair, sadness, frustration, fatigue, depression and decreased self-confidence and self-worth. 

And if you’re worried about becoming too bulky from strength training, forget it. Unless your injecting steroids or bodybuilding with loads of unnatural supplements you simply will not become bulky like a man. This is due to the fact that men naturally produce more than three times the amount of Testosterone than women do.  

The good news is, most of the key benefits Testosterone creates for men can also be found in females including:

  • Maintenance and growth of bones
  • Increases muscle mass
  • Decreases body fat 
  • Lifts your libido or sex drive
  • Helps support your cardiovascular health

Burns Fat And Helps You Lose Weight

Burning extra fat makes you lighter on your feet, builds your immune system against invaders like COVID-19, extends your life and makes you more attractive. Unlike traditional cardio, strength training causes you to continue burning more calories for up to 72 hours after the exercise is over through a process known as “after burn.”

Turns back the clock

One study showed that strength training in the elderly reversed oxidative stress and returned 179 genes to their youthful level. In other words, it genetically turned back the clock about 10 years. Strength training is also known to beneficially impact 10 biomarkers of aging, which are determinants of longevity and can extend your life.  

Increases HGH

Human Growth Hormone is a sort of superpower of the hormone family. This is the stuff you had an abundance of as a teenager, which helped you heal a broken bone in half the time as an adult and if you’re a dude, get a boner six times a day. It is without a doubt, one of your greatest sources of superpower and is responsible for the following awesomeness:

  • Increases Testosterone production
  • Improves immune function
  • Increased exercise performance
  • Better kidney function
  • Stronger bones
  • Younger, tighter skin
  • Fat loss
  • Higher energy levels and enhanced sexual performance
  • Regrowth of heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, and other organs that shrink with age
  • Greater heart output and lowered blood pressure
  • Improved cholesterol profile
  • Hair regrowth

Sadly, as you age, your ability to produce HGH decreases and by the time you start pushing 40 years old, your HGH levels will be around a third of what they were as a teenager.

Fortunately, there is really good news here and according to a study published by the International Journal of Sports Medicine in 1991, heavy resistance training can increase human growth hormone (HGH) in men and women from 200-700 percent.

Makes Your Bones Strong And Prevents Osteoporosis

It’s a well-known fact that strength training can prevent and even reverse osteoporosis through its ability to build bone density.   And with strong bones you’ll be much more likely to stay out of the wheelchair and active for the rest of your life.

Builds A Strong Heart

If you don’t already know, heart disease is the #1 cause of death for both men and women. Thankfully, strength training works to build cardiovascular health by increasing blood circulation, lowering blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels. This was proven in one study when researchers compared the volume of blood being pumped into the heart from running versus leg presses. Leg presses won hands down.

Prevents Diabetes

By controlling blood sugar and managing energy levels, strength training helps prevent diabetes and the crash and burn of too much sugar in your diet. While this is not an excuse to eat more sugar and carbs, it does help you deal with occasional hiccups in your diet – like your last birthday.

Increases Memory And Learning Abilities

We mentioned BDNF and its ability to build new brain cells earlier but it’s worth repeating since diseases like Alzheimer’s and other brain degenerative disorders are on the rise. Fortunately, strength training increases BDNF.

To learn more about strength training,  I suggest checking out the Fired Up video course program here.

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