Synergy – “The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.”
Now that we’ve identified that your goal should be the destination on my last blog post, we can now unfold the men’s fitness exercise bible.
Clearly a myopic view of exercise and fitness, or life in general, rarely solves the root of the problem and creates optimal health. So instead of limiting ourselves to one discipline or one belief, we’ll be branching out, expanding, and increasing our health, fitness, confidence, power and longevity by combining three of the most powerful disciplines available – HIIT, Yoga and Strength Training.
Why These Three?
There are literally hundreds of different exercise disciplines to choose from so why would the combination of HIIT, Yoga, and Strength Training create the ultimate formula for superhuman power?
The Triad of Optimal Health
Remember, our goal is not just fitness, it’s optimal health. If you’ve read my book “Get High On Confidence,” you may remember “The Triad of Unbreakable Confidence,” which includes your physical, mental and spiritual confidence.
Similarly, you can’t have optimal health without these three key components of physical, mental and spiritual health, which together create what I call: “The Triad of Superhuman Strength.”
Now if for any reason the word spiritual makes you feel uneasy, don’t worry, we’re not going get all woo-woo here and talk about religion. What we are going to do though is acknowledge and harness the unseen power of your mind.
For example, while HIIT and Strength Training do not offer much if any spiritual or mental power, yoga does. In fact, one of the definitions of yoga is “union between mind and body,” the power of which cannot be underestimated. If you’re not already hip to this, it’s been well documented that the stress, which comes from your mind, can create illness in your body.[i]
If, for example, you had a rough day at the office and/or your relationship is in turmoil you may find that the stress in your mind then translates into illness in your body which may manifest as an unexplained cough or sudden onset of flu like symptoms.
Another quite common example of this union of mind and body is the reason why most people give up on training programs. More often than not, they do so simply because their mind and its belief systems do not support the continued discipline it takes to follow through and create a long-term habit. This has been demonstrated scientifically on multiple occasions.
If you’re at all skeptical, consider the famous TV show “The Biggest Loser.” Results reported from Reuters Health stated that six years after dramatic weight loss on the TV show most contestants had regained the pounds. In addition, the study showed contestants’ metabolisms had slowed and they were burning fewer calories every day than they did before their stint on the show.
Six years later, when the six men and eight women went to the National Institutes of Health for follow-up measurements, their weight, on average, was back up to 290 pounds. Only one participant had not regained any weight.[ii]
Essentially, if you do not address your mind you will always be limited to how much you can develop your body.
Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, we’ll be digging out the toxic roots of this trap and getting rid of this problem with some highly effective strategies.
They Complement Each Other
What is most miraculous about these three disciplines is how elegantly they complement and enhance one another. Let’s explore the synergistic effects in detail so you clearly understand how committing to a long-term practice can create superhuman power for you.
We’ll learn more about these effects on the next few articles. You can also check out my book Fired Up to read more about “The Triad of Superhuman Strength”.
[i] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3341916/
[ii] Erin Fothergill, Juen Guo, Lilian Howard, Jennifer C. Kerns, Nicolas D. Knuth, Robert Brychta, Kong Y. Chen, Monica C. Skarulis, Mary Walter, Peter J. Walter, Kevin D. Hall. Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after “The Biggest Loser” competition. First published: 02 May 2016 doi.org/10.1002/oby.21538