As I’ve introduced the Synergy of 3 in my last blog, let’s dive into yoga exercise for men with a little bit of HIIT.
Yoga Makes Everything Easier, Safer And More Effective!
If for instance, you love going to the gym and strength training, you may find yourself having a hard time keeping your lower back in a neutral (safe) position when descending into a squat. If this is the case, there’s a good chance your hamstrings are too tight, which is where yoga comes in big since it can help release this tension and make you more flexible, agile and mobile; not to mention save you from a painful injury.
Or let’s say you love HIIT but you find your right shoulder is in pain. There is a good chance you may have tight fascia. As a connective tissue, which covers all of your muscles, fascia is commonly overlooked because you cannot see it, nor does it make you look superhuman. Unfortunately, without addressing this critical part of your anatomy you could get injured or remain in pain for a very long time.
More often than not, when you do a balanced yoga routine like the ones offered in Fired Up you’ll be stretching and releasing tension in your muscles and the fascia that wrap your feet, legs, back, shoulders and arms. As a result, you may find a longstanding pain that just wouldn’t seem to leave is no longer causing you pain.
This is the power of yoga. It addresses a multitude of health markers that neither HIIT nor strength training can.
But perhaps yoga’s most far-reaching benefit is its ability to reduce stress by stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and deactivating your sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This is highly significant, since modern societal stressors like jobs, family, and finances are constantly triggering your SNS and according to studies, is considered one of the biggest contributors to illness and disease. In fact, studies show that as many as 80% of all doctors’ visits for maladies such as colds, flu viruses, migraine headaches and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) are stress related.
Fortunately, yoga, when properly instructed, turns on your SNS and slows down your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, and reduces cortisol. The result of these functions can be found in the peaceful bliss and clear headed thinking that comes right after practicing. This, in turn, eliminates negative mental chatter that drives people to mindlessly overreact, over consume, over spend and end up on the couch defeated with couch crush.
In contrast, HIIT and Strength training, simply don’t address these optimal health factors, which makes yoga an invaluable team member of The Triad of Superhuman Strength.
Strength Training Protects Joints And Adds Stability
Of course, strength training has its own unique benefits, which can boost your Yoga or HIIT practice to a whole new level.
If for instance, you love yoga but you struggle with chaturanga or can’t do an arm balance, strength training can give you both the stability and strength to safely move through these more challenging postures without risking injury.
HIIT Builds Testosterone And HGH
If you practice yoga but you just can’t seem to boost your HGH or Testosterone to optimal levels, both HIIT and Strength Training have been proven to maximize levels of these critical superhuman hormones.
If you’d like to know more about the effects yoga and HIIT, I suggest checking out my video course here: