You Must Repeat It From One To Ten To Remember It — Home ED Cures

On my previous post we’ve talked about the circle of results model and how it’s process works. On today’s blog, we’ll be practicing its use and learning why it’s a really effective method when it comes to home ED cures.

Time For Action – Write Down Your Old Belief

Now it’s your turn to create a Circle of Results Model using your old belief.  Go ahead and get out a pen and paper or write this in your electronic notes.  Don’t skip out here! This is where the real magic happens, where you begin to realize how your negative beliefs crush all hopes for a happy relationship, good sex, and youthful potency. Take action and start writing!

New Belief Declaration

Next, it’s time to take action and change this old belief with a newly empowered belief. Let’s take a look at a couple realistic examples:

New Belief Example – Men

Belief: I now believe my erection challenges are a natural part of aging and create an opportunity to strengthen my bond with my partner, have better sex and get even more love.

Thought: I think, wow, I get a new lease on life and I don’t have to worry about getting an auto erection!

Emotion:  I feel excited and empowered!

Action:  I read this book with my partner, solve my core issues then try some of the team sex strategies. 

Result: My partner and I have amazing sex, our relationship has never been stronger and it’s translated into improving other areas like finances and overall health.  

New Belief Example – Women

Belief: I now believe all men eventually have erection challenges which presents a great opportunity for couples to strengthen their bond with the magic of team sex.

Thought: I think… what a great opportunity to strengthen our bond and have amazing sex.  

Emotion:  I feel excited and hopeful!

Action:  I read this book with my partner and tell him I’m 100% on board with team sex. We address the underlying causes of his ED and then try the team sex strategies.  

Result: We have amazing sex and heal our relationship. Other areas of our life start to improve as well. I lost weight and I take better care of my health. I haven’t felt this good in 20 years and I tell all my friends to go out and grab a copy of “Man Up!” 

Time For Action – Write Down Your New Belief

Now go ahead and write down a new empowering belief about sex using a Circle of Results Model. Feel free to reference the example beliefs I created above then make sure you read the questions below, which will help you fine tune your beliefs.  

Belief: What do you declare as your new belief?

Thought: Describe the thoughts you’ll have after you’ve embedded this new belief.

Emotion: Describe how you will feel once this new belief is part of your permanent mindset.

Action: What have you been unwilling to do in order to keep this problem? Describe the action you will take which will lead to a new habit. 

Result: How do you know for sure that your old belief is no longer a problem for you? Visualize your new outcome in detail – i.e., where will you be, who will be with you, any new habits created from the action, how will you feel?  

Once you’ve written down your new belief in a Circle of Results Model its time to repeat it out loud at least 10 times.   

Remember, “Repetition is the mother of all skill” so make sure you don’t skip out on this challenge. If you don’t repeat it, I can pretty much guarantee you won’t remember it and your results most certainly will not change.


Now Repeat your own new belief to yourself out loud 10 times.

If you’re at all doubtful how powerful your beliefs are in changing the results of your life you may want to consider one of the most comprehensive long-term studies on success ever conducted by Napoleon Hill which was featured in his book “Think and Grow Rich.” As one of the top 10 best selling books of all time Hill unveils a remarkable discovery about the root cause of success and failure and its importance in history is significant.

After researching 500 of the most successful people in history over a 20 year period, Hill discovered that the cause of wealth and success had nothing to do with “money,” “wealth,” “finances,” or “stocks.” Instead, the most successful people attributed their success or the lack thereof to the psychological barriers (AKA beliefs). Hill’s research culminated in one monumental statement as follows: 

“Whatever The Mind Of Man Can Conceive And Believe,
It Can Achieve.”

Yes, your mind is the most powerful tool in your arsenal and can not only determine how much money you make but how much soldier strength you have or don’t have. 

Again, what you think, you become and if you can change your beliefs and their associated thoughts you can completely change your destiny with increased wealth, improved health, stronger erections, and independent confidence nobody can ever take away from you. This brings us back to the most important question of this entire training:  

Are You Taking Action?

Without action, your results will remain the same – man down!  We can verify this by simply revisiting the Circle of Results Model. If you recall: beliefs lead to thoughts, thoughts lead to emotions, emotions lead to actions and actions lead to… results!

Ultimately, action is the bridge between your thoughts and results. So let’s say for example, you struggle with eating too much, working too much, not getting enough rest or not moving your body (all of which kill your testosterone and nitric oxide production) there’s a really good chance you have a belief that prevents you from taking a new action.

Believe me, I know how difficult it is to do something different and change a habit that’s been ingrained and conditioned over years if not decades. I used to get hungry about an hour or two before bed and to satisfy that little voice in the back of my head (give me more, give me more) I would munch on nuts, cookies or whatever happened to be in the kitchen at the time. But even though this created a ton of gut pain and stole precious sleep (man down) I continued doing it anyway. Sound familiar?  

Interestingly, the more I talked to people about breaking old habits, the more I realized how pervasive and challenging it was to actually change a belief long-term and create new results. 

Fortunately, as we learned the masters of time mentioned earlier, in order to fix the root of any problem you must first address your beliefs. This is the clear and simple reason why most diets and exercise programs fail – your beliefs! 

Since changing your beliefs is so critical to solving the root of our problems, I set aside three years of my life and created perhaps the most effective and powerful brain rewiring system available called The Winner’s Mindset.  

Of course, no training is effective unless it gets long-term results, which is exactly what I got. By simply pressing the play button and listening over and over (Remember repetition is the mother of all skill?) I’ve been able to change my belief about what food and sleep mean to me. And… I no longer eat late at night.  

Instead, I’ve manned up, silenced that whinny kid and boosted my testosterone, nitric oxide and human growth hormone, which in turn has boosted my soldier strength to steel pipe and multiplied my income by 300%.  

But I’m not the only one, this belief change system has helped hundreds of people rewire their brains for complete success in all areas of life including health, wealth and loving relationships. So if you have any challenges implementing these strategies, or you’re at all curious, I highly recommend checking out some of those success stories and a free 90-minute video training at I guarantee you will thank me later.

Now hopefully you’re even more hungry for success and open to our next Master Mantra from the sage and father of all medicine Hippocrates who famously declared: 

“Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Another end to another chapter. Can’t wait for the next one? I highly suggest dropping by and checking Man Up– The Ultimate Guide To Natural ED Cures here.

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